
We are on a mission to change the narrative for patients suffering from needle fear and phobia. NeedleCalm™ is a simple, affordable and safe way to help alleviate the physical and mental distress of needle procedures.


Effective Pain Relief

NeedleCalm’s fast-acting combination of cooling and pressure helps to dull and block the sharp sensation of the needle. It’s perfect needle procedures such as IV cannulas, blood tests, sub- cutaneous and intramuscular injections.

Immediate Action

Hypoallergenic. Latex free.No nasty chemicals. Needlecalm works with only seconds of wait time to help alleviate pain and anxiety resulting in a more relaxed and comfortable experience. .

Reduces HealthCare Avoidance

Promotes a healthy patient – clinician relationship. Improves time to a diagnosis in busy ED settings. Helps to improve the patient experience. Patients who experience less pain and anxiety are more likely to adhere to treatment protocols, leading to improved clinical outcomes.

Stick with us and see the difference

NeedleCalm is a multi award winning Australian-made device that helps reduce the fear, stress, pain and anxiety associated with needle procedures. Using both temperature and texture, NeedleCalm utilises your body’s natural response to certain stimuli to prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. The result? A much better experience for people who don’t like needles—and for the healthcare clinicians administering them.

NeedleCalm™ – Intentionally designed to be boring and discreet

Our device was created by Lauren, a medical professional who suffered an injury from a dirty needle stick in 2016 which required surgery. Needlephobia affects people from all walks of life, both adults and children. She realised that there was a gap in the market for a product that could be used for multiple needle procedures which didn’t make people feel ashamed or embarrassed to speak about their concerns.

After extensive research and experimentation, she developed NeedleCalm™ to provide more effective solutions to clinical practices.

Beyond just the physical product the company provides education to raise awareness about needle phobia to both patients and clinicians. We believe that with education, innovation and compassion even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.

Giving patients and clinicians one less thing to worry about

Needle procedures are often a necessary part of medical care and maintaining well-being. They can cause considerable distress, particularly in young children. NeedleCalm aims to empower patients to manage and control their fear of needles. Moreover, it aids in decreasing procedure time and stress for both healthcare providers and patients, enhancing accuracy and consistency to achieve the best results possible and decrease adverse outcomes such as unnecessary repeated cannulation attempts. Check out our Patient Stories here.

My NeedleCalm™ story

Thanks to Lauren and the Needle Calm device, I was able to receive important injections and blood tests despite my debilitating needle phobia.Back during the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, anxiety took over my entire life with the realisation that I needed to receive an injection in order to be immunised.The amazing Lauren, founder of Needle Calm reached out to me via a relevant private Facebook group and together we developed a plan to assist myself and others overcome this challenge. The Needle Calm device provided not only a physical barrier but the mental reassurance that this injection would be …

Our first ever patient!

Thanks again for this invention, I genuinely don’t know what I would have done with all my fertility struggles if I didn’t find out about it when I did. 

*Christine, NSW

IVF Patient
My neighbour’s daughter suffers from mild needle phobia.  For years it has been a challenge for the parents as every hospital visit, or visit to the GP, has been a stressful experience. I crossed paths with Lauren a few years ago and learnt all about NeedleCalm and the difference this product makes for people with needle phobia. I recommended my neighbour to try the NeedleCalm patch on their daughter and it has been a game changer for them. Their daughter is now able to have a needle inserted without fear and anxiety. Keep up the good work Lauren.  NeedleCalm makes …

Eva- Neighbour of the Year!

Decreasing the stress of GP visits.
My name is Oliver, and I have a phobia of intramuscular injections. This has been a huge mental and physical battle over the years. If I avoid my injections out of fear, I run the risk of having my body not align with who I am. If I do the injection the additional mental impact is just as much. Once I applied the device I felt all my nerves and anxiety calm down. One deep breath expecting…a too good to be true sort of pain strike as I injected, to be absolutely overjoyed to the fact that I felt…. Nothing! …


NeedleCalm™ user
I’ve now used the needle calm with two other people with milder phobias who have commented on how positive their experience was, and how simple yet effective NeedleCalm is. I make a point of explaining the physiology behind it so they can fully participate in the journey and feel more empowered with knowledge of how it works.


I have used NeedleCalm twice now for blood tests. While I do not suffer from needle phobia (Trypophobia), it worked well to block the feeling of the injection. I reached out to NeedleCalm and created this quick animation to spread the word. If you know someone who HATES needles, check out NeedleCalm.


Multimedia Producer
We are having some success with this product, especially in the young adults. I have used NeedleCalm with 3 patients so far that I believe would have needed sedating otherwise.

Nurse (Unit Manager)

Tertiary Hospital VIC

Our Awards

As featured in


Etta Watts-Russell
Etta Watts-Russell
What a great product!
Paul Swain
Paul Swain
A great product that is meeting a really important need. Lauren provides excellent support too, so get in touch if you need help or have questions.
Debbie Weeks
Debbie Weeks
Brilliant and really affordable Aussie invention. I’ve recommended this product to quite a few mums who have kids with needle phobias. The instructional videos on their website make it easy see how simple it is to use.
Glenn Robertson
Glenn Robertson
Good product; good price; quick delivery
Dawn Corsar
Dawn Corsar
I am so grateful for this product. I had surgery recently and needed unpleasant daily clexane injections afterward, using Needlecalm I could barely feel them! THANK YOU!
Caroline H
Caroline H
The use of needlecalm has been life changing for me. I am slowly building up my confidence with needles and injections after suffering from a needle/blood phobia my entire life. I highly recommend you try it.
Eva Reinander
Eva Reinander
My neighbour's daughter suffers from mild needle phobia. For years it has been a challenge for the parents as every hospital visit, or visit to the GP, has been a stressful experience. I crossed paths with Lauren a few years ago and learnt all about NeedleCalm and the difference this product makes for people with needle phobia. I recommended my neighbour to try the NeedleCalm patch on their daughter and it has been a game changer for them. Their daughter is now able to have a needle inserted without fear and anxiety. Keep up the good work Lauren. NeedleCalm makes a difference for many. Please help her spread the word.

Endorsed by the Australian Patients Association.

Practitioners only: For samples and pricing information email -enquiries@needlecalm.com.au