Improving Painful Procedures: Kids West Donates NeedleCalm to a local Paediatric Unit

Hospital visits often begin with a dreaded pinprick. For the millions of adults and children who fear needles, this simple procedure can cause significant distress and anxiety. Trypanophobia, or the fear of needles, can lead to avoidance of essential medical care, such as blood draws, vaccinations, and other necessary treatments.

The impact of needle phobia extends beyond individual discomfort. Delayed or avoided medical care can have serious health consequences, especially for children. Additionally, the time and resources wasted on managing needle-related anxiety can strain healthcare systems.

A team of pediatric experts, with the support of Kids West, is working to address this issue. By focusing on prevention and education, they aim to reduce the prevalence of iatrogenic trauma, or trauma caused by medical procedures with the assistance of a simple Australian made medical device. 

Needle procedures are a common part of childhood. Australian children often undergo numerous needle procedures before reaching adulthood. These experiences can contribute to the development of needle fear and phobia if not managed appropriately.

Consultant Paediatrician explains: “I’ve witnessed firsthand the long-term effects of needle phobia. Early intervention is crucial, especially in the 3-6 age range. By providing support and resources to these children, we can not only improve their well-being but also alleviate the burden on healthcare systems. Reducing needle-related anxiety can save hospitals significant time and money.”

Nurse Unit Manager adds: “We’ve seen a rise in needle fear across all age groups, post-pandemic. This has impacted staff morale and increased the workload. By addressing this issue, we can improve the experience for both patients and providers.”

One father shares his recent experience: “When my 6-year-old son needed urgent hospital care, the nurses and doctors went above and beyond to make him comfortable and reduce his anxiety. Their efforts made a significant difference in our stay.”

Kids West, founded in 1991, is committed to supporting children’s health and well-being. The organization has a strong network of volunteers and community leaders who work together to raise funds and allocate resources to areas of greatest need. By providing support for initiatives like needle phobia prevention, Kids West is making a positive impact on the lives of young people and their families.

Kids West has made a significant impact on the healthcare landscape in Western Sydney and beyond. Recognising the critical shortage of equipment and resources in local hospitals, the charity has focused on identifying and addressing specific needs.

Since its inception, Kids West has donated over $6.7 million to pediatric wards throughout the region. These funds have been used to purchase essential equipment, such as intensive care beds, monitors for burns victims, and specially designed wheelchairs, to improve the quality of care for young patients.

With continued community support, Kids West will continue to fill the gaps and make a positive difference in the lives of children. By addressing their specific needs and providing essential resources, the charity is helping to create a healthier and happier future for young people.

“We at NeedleCalm are incredibly grateful to Kids West for their generous support. Your donation of a 3 month supply of NeedleCalm devices will make a significant difference in the lives of countless children undergoing medical procedures. Thank you for your commitment to improving the well-being of young patients and for partnering with us to make a positive impact on healthcare. Your generosity is truly inspiring.”