Uncut and Unedited video: Painless Injection Techniques Using NeedleCalm™

They say there’s a first time for everything, and yesterday we put NeedleCalm™ to the test in a groundbreaking off-label use. We tackled a very painful needle procedure – Intradermal Sterile Water Injections – and the results were incredible!

Typically used to assist with lower back pain during labour, clinicians inject 0.1-0.2 mls of sterile water in four areas of the lower back. Initially, patients report pain similar to that of a sharp bee or wasp sting, but after a few minutes, they experience tremendous pain relief.

Our colleague and friend Sharon, who suffers from chronic pain, bravely volunteered to be the test subject. For Sharon, these injections are usually a scream-inducing experience, but with NeedleCalm™, she reported feeling little to no pain.

Sharon’s journey through pregnancy, giving birth, and postpartum has been nothing short of horrific. But with NeedleCalm™, she finally found some relief. Check out Sharon’s story here.


To see the magic in action for yourself, watch our uncut and unedited video of Sharon’s NeedleCalm™ experience. Prepare to be amazed!

Let NeedleCalm™ work its magic for you too!


Disclaimer: Participants are not involved in the production, marketing or supply of NeedleCalm™, are not related to NeedleCalm™ and have not received any incentives.