Why NeedleCalm

Why NeedleCalm.

Proactive Measures for a Positive Needle Experience

Needle Phobia: How to Minimise Discomfort During Needle Procedures

Proactive Measures for a Positive Needle Experience

Educate and Desensitise

It is important to educate patients on how needles work and provide effective desensitisation techniques. NeedleCalm™ is a powerful tool that has been especially developed to reduce fear and anxiety during needle procedures. Moreover, it helps to ease the discomfort associated with needle phobia by introducing gradual exposure to needles.

Kind and Supportive Language

The language we use to communicate with those who suffer from needle phobia matters. Kind and supportive language can help to restore confidence and trust during needle procedures. Moreover, it can promote a feeling of safety and security for patients.

Enhancing Positive Experiences

By implementing proactive measures such as providing education about how needles work and desensitisation techniques like using NeedleCalm™, we can minimise distress during needle procedures. Furthermore, practitioners should strive to utilise kind and supportive language when engaging with those who are fearful of needles. These strategies have been proven to make a meaningful difference in promoting positive needle experiences for patients.

Overcome Your Injection Anxiety with Our Support

Taking Initiative to Help Heal Traumatic Injection Experiences

Understanding Traumatic Injection Experiences

It is important to consider the effects of traumatic injection experiences, particularly when dealing with vaccination campaigns. Those who had a painful injection experience during childhood may have increased anxiety and physical symptoms when receiving injections or vaccinations as an adult, even when pain control techniques are used. It is essential to take this into account in order to ensure everyone gets the necessary support they need.

Providing Comfort and Security

We understand the discomfort patients can feel when it comes to injection and vaccination experiences. We are here to provide comfort and security to those affected by traumatic injection experiences. Our support will help these individuals heal and overcome the anxiety they feel when it comes to receiving injections or vaccinations.

Taking Initiative for a Better Future

We believe that everyone should have access to the necessary supports they need when it comes to injection and vaccination experiences. We are taking initiative to help those affected by traumatic injection experiences and create a better future for everyone. Our support will help heal the traumatic injection experiences of the past, so that all individuals can feel comfortable and secure when it comes to receiving injections or vaccinations.

Supporting and Reassuring Children with Immunisations

Distraction Tools for Parents and Healthcare Professionals

Immense Benefits of Immunisation

Immunisation is one of the most important measures that can be taken to protect the health and wellbeing of children. Vaccines are essential in protecting children from preventable diseases. They not only protect the individual who is immunised but also their family, friends and the wider community.

Easing Anxiety Around Immunisation

Both children and their parents can feel anxious when it comes to immunisations. It is important to provide support and reassurance during this process. Distraction tools can be a great way to support both parents and healthcare professionals with easing the tension surrounding immunisation.

Distraction Techniques that Work

Distraction techniques can include using books, games, music, toys, or even playing simple hand clapping games. It is important to find distraction tools that work for individual children. Distraction techniques can be used to help refocus the child’s attention away from the injection and onto something more positive and enjoyable.

Support a Stress-Free Vaccination Experience for Your Child

Utilising Distraction Techniques for Childhood Vaccinations

Lessen Pain Responses

Studies show that by strategically utilising distraction techniques during childhood vaccinations, pain responses can be significantly minimised for children of varying ages. Distraction techniques are an effective way to reduce the stress and fear associated with getting shots, and helps create a more comfortable experience for your child.

Decrease Anxiety Levels

Offering appropriate distractions prior to and during the procedure has been shown to decrease anxiety levels within infants and toddlers. Distraction techniques can be used to help keep your child calm and settled, allowing the healthcare provider to provide optimal care leading up to and through childhood vaccinations.

Creating a Positive Experience

Utilising distraction techniques is an important part of creating a positive and stress-free experience for your child when getting vaccinated. Whether it’s singing a song or playing a game, using distractions can help make the experience a lot less scary and help your child feel safe and secure during the process.

Reduce Time, Money and Anxiety with NeedleCalm™

Harnessing the Power of NeedleCalm™ Technology

Streamlined Medical Care

NeedleCalm™ can revolutionise medical care and make it much more efficient. By deploying this technology in medical institutions, patients are able to reduce the time wasted in waiting rooms and the amount of money spent on treatments. Furthermore, NeedleCalm™ can potentially help to reduce patient anxiety associated with iatrogenic pain, giving those scared of needles a lifeline.

Reduce Pain Perception

NeedleCalm™ has the potential to drastically alter patients’ perception of pain. By utilising NeedleCalm’s suite of benefits, healthcare professionals can reduce the amount of anxiety and discomfort associated with needles, giving patients a more positive experience overall. As a result, attitudes toward healthcare can be significantly modified and provide a better outlook for those who are scared of needles.

Improved Standard Procedure

NeedleCalm™ is more than just a way to make the medical process more efficient– it can also help to reduce costs and change attitudes toward healthcare. Deploying NeedleCalm in medical institutions is a great way to provide a better standard procedure and help reduce patient anxiety associated with iatrogenic pain. Ultimately, NeedleCalm™ is not a waste of time – far from it – and should be embraced as part of an improved standard procedure.

In 2019 the WHO included vaccine hesitancy in its top 10 threats to global health

Guardian Australia, How vaccine hesitancy could undermine Australias’COVID response, 11th September 2020


  1. http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Publications/nsw-immunisation-schedule.pdf
  2. www.fearof.net and www.healthline.com
  3. Wright, S (2009): Fear of Needles – Nature and Prevalence in General Practice, Australian Family Physician, 38(3), March 2009 5 Hamilton, JG (1995): Needle phobia – a neglected diagnosis J Fam Pract. 1995 Aug; 41(2):169-75.
  4. Taddio et al (2012): Survey of Prevalence of Immunisation Non – Compliance due to Needle Fears in Children and Adults. Vaccine 30. 4807 – 4812, quoted in Sakaguchi, CP (2014): Identifying Design Opportunities through a Cultural Understanding of Medical Needle Use, Fear and Pain within the United States and Developing Nations, Honors Thesis
  5. Sakaguchi, op cit, page 99 8 Kennedy, RM et al (2008): Clinical implications of unmanaged needle-insertion pain and distress in children, Pediatrics. 2008 Nov;122 Suppl 3:S130-3