Oliver’s Story: Successful Needle Phobia Relief with NeedleCalm

My name is Oliver, I came across Needle Calm when it was in the early stages of production and was absolutely blown away by the thought. I am a 32-year-old Transgender male and I rely heavily on fortnightly injections of testosterone to continue my hormone therapy.

I have been on testosterone for 9 years now, to give you an idea that is approximately 234 injections over that period and it each injection has been a constant struggle. I do have a phobia of intramuscular injections. This has been a huge mental and physical battle over the years. If I avoid my injections out of fear, I run the risk of having my body not align with who I am. If I do the injection the additional mental impact is just as much.

When I heard about NeedleCalm I was so eager to try this device. Fast forward to my express delivery received the day after ordering. I generally inject in the buttocks and once I applied the device I felt all my nerves and anxiety calm down. One deep breath expecting…a too good to be true sort of pain strike as I injected, to be absolutely overjoyed to the fact that I felt…. Nothing! I could not recommend or promote this device enough!

This will truly change people’s lives. Whether you are someone who needs constant injections and struggle with a one-off blood test that you’ve been avoiding out of fear, I highly recommend trying this out. Thank you NeedleCalm!

“The person providing this testimonial did not receive any monetary payment or in-kind compensation for providing this information”