Needle Anxiety: Why It Happens and How to Overcome It

Did you know that the fear of needles has more than tripled in the past 30 years?  Needle anxiety is characterised by heightened stress and fear when facing medical procedures involving needles. Unlike needle phobia, which involves an intense, often irrational fear, needle anxiety can affect individuals who may not be outright fearful but still […]

There is a better way: 10 Tips for your best Blood Test

This blog explores different aspects of this fear and offers tips for a stress-free blood draw experience. But first , it’s important to reiterate  two steps before you book in for that blood test.  1. Education Educating yourself about the process of blood draws can help alleviate some of the fear. Understanding what happens during […]

What is Needle Phobia? Causes, Symptoms, and How to Manage It

Needle phobia, clinically known as trypanophobia, is a significant fear of medical procedures involving needles or injections. This fear, often overwhelming and debilitating, can lead to avoidance of essential medical care, including vaccinations and blood tests. While it may seem irrational to some, needle phobia is a common condition affecting many individuals across various age […]

*Karen’s Story- A 40 year battle with needle phobia.

Name changed for privacy.  For forty years, Karen has been battling with a debilitating fear of needles. This fear, known as needle phobia, has caused her to become physically ill at the mere thought of needles. Karen’s fear of needles is so severe that she avoids medical appointments and even vaccines, putting her health at […]